Local Authority



Limited risk given the early stage reached in review process.


Prior to the Craven Local Plan becoming out of date (from November 2024 if not reviewed), there is a need to continue housing monitoring in Craven to ensure that a five year housing land supply can be demonstrated. Once the local plan is out of date there is not considered to be a significant risk to housing supply in the Craven District given that housing delivery would then be judged against a lower standard methodology figure (2022 SHM gives a figure of circa 151 dpa). If the current proportion of Craven District's dwelling requirement in the YDNP remains at 15% then the revised standard method would result in a figure for the Craven Plan area of circa 128 dpa, which is lower than the adopted Craven Local Plan objective housing need figure of 206 dpa and the housing requirement figure of 230 dpa).


Craven (in common with other NY authorities) has a lot of sensitive landscape areas and pressure for development around attractive but unsustainable smaller towns and villages. If Craven's housing land supply does run out prior to the Craven Local Plan becoming out of date we would be vulnerable to speculative applications with a risk to these sensitive landscapes.


There is a need to continue monitoring the uptake and ongoing deliverability of local plan allocations and SHELAA housing sites to ensure any sequential test in terms of flood risk is based on up-to-date information


Risks are limited to the issue of the review, Gypsy and Traveller accommodation.  The Local Plan policy states that the review should be submitted within 14 months of the adoption of the plan.  It is therefore expected that there would be a risk following this period if the review were not progressed, so from April 2023.  The main risk is considered to be a higher possibility of appeals for proposed gypsy and traveller sites.

The recent adoption of the Hambleton Local Plan means that planning policy is up to date and will remain current.  However, there are issues, such as First Homes that are not addressed. Hambleton is currently able to demonstrate a 5YLS and this is unlikely to change in the next 5 years.

Harrogate: Plan Review

Not continuing with Local Plan Review is unlikely to pose a risk to housing land supply as delivery would be judged against a lower standard methodology figure.

Harrogate: New Settlement DPD

Whilst not a review, it is an important component part of the development plan for Harrogate District which will ensure delivery of the growth strategy in the medium to longer term.  If this DPD is not progressed there will not be a plan that defines the boundary of the new settlement and allocates land as a strategic gap.  The DPD also provides the vision and detailed policy framework to ensure the effective delivery of the new settlement.  Importantly it includes ambitious policies on climate change that go beyond those included in the adopted Local Plan,


RDC has completed Preferred Options consultation and suggests there is limited risk in halting work to move towards the Submission Plan. If housing land supply is kept up to date and further evidence is collected to ensure the housing target and affordable housing policies remain sound, then existing Core Strategy policies are, for the majority, compatible with NPPF. The latest SHMA (2019) suggested a lower housing target and reduction in affordable housing need even though it is based on optimistic economic scenarios including military growth at Catterick Garrison which is no longer going to happen. The changes to economic growth scenarios ideally warrant an update to the SHMA to determine if the housing requirement can be justified.


The Ryedale Plan Local Plan Strategy is 10 years old and runs to 2027, the allocations DPD (Ryedale Plan- Sites Document) was adopted in 2019 and runs to 2027. The Helmsley Plan also runs until 2027.


We have over 7 years’ worth of housing land supply against the Standard Method (2021) – we are working on the 2022 position at present. Completions have steadied out, so this supply is considered robust.


It means that right now we are able to give full weight to the policies in our LP, but if our housing land supply starts to run out prior to the adoption of the NYC LP we would be vulnerable to speculative applications.


Our Plan is under review from the key areas of spatial strategy/housing allocations/responding to climate change. It is a key priority for the District Council to review the Ryedale Plan and to reach Publication (Reg.19) prior to vesting date alongside a delegated authority for submission.


The existing Local Plan Strategy was written to have a strategic framework by which to consider housing delivery in advance of the allocations, which could be employed in that way going forward in the event of the speculative applications being made if the housing land supply falters.


There is not considered to be a significant risk to five year housing supply in Scarborough Borough. Our standard methodology number is circa 175 dpa and we currently have about an 18 year supply of housing based on that requirement. There is, however, an issue in that a delay in adding new allocated sites could affect the flexibility in housing supply.


The bigger risks to this locality is the non-introduction of important policies that have been requested and supported by the local community and local councillors. These are policies we, as a local authority, also support. Examples of this include the requirement for ‘better’ homes through the requirement of NDSS compliant homes, accessible homes (though it appears M4(2) is going to be mandated through Building Regs BUT not M4(3)), any climate change measures that could be introduced and the introduction of coastal change management areas.


A huge issue for this area is second homes and holiday lets and the demand locally for a planning policy intervention has hit national headlines. Whilst it is not a certainly that such a policy would be implemented due to unintended consequences and viability the scrapping of the Scarborough Borough Local Plan review may result in criticism for not addressing (or considering) this issue in the short term. Nevertheless, the potential for Neighbourhood Plans to address this issue has been raised with affected communities. Moving forward, this area of work must be recognised and it emphasises the need to ensure an efficient transition to the new authority; ensuring that locally important issues are not left behind.


We will be dealing with significantly more viability appraisals when it comes to housing developments. Our Local Plan viability work is suggesting a reduction in affordable housing % and if the current plan is stopped the existing requirements will remain and developers will be required to demonstrate through a VA that they are unable to meet out of date requirements.


The adopted Core Strategy is over 5 years old and runs to 2027. Not progressing the local plan is likely to result in a lack of five year housing land supply within the next five years, given the high levels of completions in the District.

North Yorkshire

The risks or concerns associated with not continuing with a MWJP review include the potential inability to address shortfalls in mineral supply placing in jeopardy the County’s statutory duty to maintain an adequate and steady supply of mineral to market. A number of our allocations within our recently adopted Joint Plan now have the benefit of permission and could potentially be ‘worked out’ before replacement sites are allocated. In addition, work has started (although no formal papers have yet been penned) on the potential crucial impacts of Government initiatives since the time of submission eg, climate change and everything related thereto.